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UCLA PD provides presentations to the campus community on many safety related topics. Presentations can be chosen from the list below. In addition to the presentations described, presentations can be individually designed for specific audiences that combine topics or address specific concerns and issues. For more information, please call the Crime Prevention Officer at (310) 825-6111.

Title Length Summary Topics Covered
Active Shooter 1 Hour Provides information on how to react in the event of an active shooter incident ("Run, Hide, or Fight") Police protocol, best practices, resources, tendencies, and more.
Auto Theft Prevention 30 min. Provides information on how to protect vehicles from theft and burglary. Parking lot security, security alarms, securing property.
Brochures & Written Materials   Materials are available on a variety of safety topics. Various
Consultation Varies Safety experts are available for consultation with individuals, organizations and departments on crime prevention, general safety and policy issues. Various
Domestic Violence 30 min. Discusses definition of domestic partners/spouses, legal issues. Penal code sections, police procedure.
Drug and/or Alcohol Awareness 1 Hour Discusses various issues related to drug/alcohol use and misuse. Relevant laws, alcohol consumption and DUI.
Email and Computer Crimes 30 min. Types of criminal activities performed using a computer cyber culture. Threatening/harassing emails.
Fraud Prevention and Identity Theft 30 min. Teaches individuals how to prevent business fraud and identity theft. Counterfeit money, credit cards, checks, traveler's checks, reporting and paperwork required.
Hate Crimes and Incidents 30 min. Defines hate crimes and behaviors/acts that are hate crimes/incidents. Relevant laws, how to report, available resources (can be combined with personal safety).
New Student Orientation 15 min. Describes the services of the University of California Police Department and gives basic safety tips. Police resources and services, CSOs, EMTs, Lost and Found, crime prevention presentations.
Office Safety and Equipment Security 1 Hour Discusses office security and loss prevention. Operation ID program, security surveys, security hardware.
Personal Safety 1 Hour Crime prevention tips and suggestions of actions that individuals can take to make themselves less vulnerable to crime. Robberies, assaults, ATM robberies, car jacking, follow home robberies.
Police Ride-Along Varies Individuals interested in law enforcement or learning more about UCPD can ride with a patrol officer. The role of UCPD.
Residential Security 1 Hour Discusses securing your personal property from theft and burglary. For individuals who live in Res Halls or apartments. Operation identification, security surveys, security hardware.
Robbery Prevention 1 Hour For all retail businesses, banks or organizations that handle money. Instructs employees in procedures to prevent robbery and proper actions they should take if they are a victim of a robbery. Environmental design, crime prevention through quality customer service, general crime prevention tips.
Security Surveys Varies A comprehensive check of interior and exterior of offices, residences or businesses to identify and correct security deficiencies thus reducing the likelihood of burglary, robbery and theft. Lighting, locking hardware, doors and windows, security alarms.
Sexual Assault Awareness and Prevention 30 min. Crime prevention tips and suggestions of actions that individuals can take to make themselves less vulnerable to a sexual assault. Rape prevention, date-rape drugs (Rohypnol/GHB), dating violence.
Stalking and Terrorist Threats 30 min. Discusses elements of stalking and definition of threats vs. freedom of speech. Legal issues, police and district attorney procedures, victim options and resources.